
20 Hours (1 Hour x 20 sessions)

Start Date

To Be Announced


Monday to Friday | 11 a.m. to Noon. (4 Weeks)


  1. Understanding the Law and its relevance to the Performing Arts Industry. (1)
  2. Understanding Contract Law: (5)
    1. Concepts and Definitions
    2. Essentials of a Valid Contract
    3. Void and Voidable Contracts
    4. Enforceability of Contracts
    5. Remedies for Breach.
    6. Laws of Agency
  3. Types of Media Contracts: (4)
    1. Non-compete agreements
    2. Non-Disclosure Agreements and Confidentiality Agreements
    3. Agreements with Labels and Music Contracts
    4. Employment Contracts
    5. Performance Contracts
    6. Contracts with TV Channels and Broadcast Platforms
  4. Intellectual Property Law: (2)
    1. What is IP.
    2. Types of Property.
    3. Copyrights – Explained
    4. Trademarks – Explained
    5. Overview of Patents and other Intellectual Property
  5. Copyright Law: (4)
    1. Filing of Copyrights
    2. Copyrights for performances and music
    3. Permissible use
    4. Infringement
    5. Assignment of Copyrights
    6. Transfer of Copyrights
  6. Licensing (1)
  7. Podcast, Online Broadcasts, Live on social media (2)
  8. Group Discussion on ethical considerations (1)

Ideal For

Musicians, DJs, Performers, Artistes, Actors, Singers, Dancers, Law Student and Lawyers interested in Performance Laws, etc.

Resource Person

Floyd Gracias


₹ 9,999/-
+ Applicable taxes