40 Hours [20 Sessions of 2 hours each.]Start Date
To Be AnnouncedSchedule
To Be AnnouncedSyllabus
- Alternate Dispute Resolution: [2]
- What is dispute resolution?
- Courts and tribunals
- What is ADR?
- History of ADR
- ADR law in India
- Need and scope forADR in India
- Advantages and Disadvantages of ADR[1]
- Arbitration: [2]
- What is Arbitration
- Types of Arbitration
- Institutional and ad hoc arbitration
- International and Domestic Arbitration
- Arbitration Agreements
- Arbitration Tribunal: [4]
- Formation of the Arbitration Tribunal/Appointment of an Arbitrator.
- Number of Arbitrator to be appointed
- Place of Arbitration
- Language
- Essentials of Arbitration Agreement
- Who is qualified to be an Arbitrator
- Competence of arbitral tribunal
- Procedure to appoint an arbitrator
- Interim measures ordered by tribunal [1]
- Interim measures by the court [1]
- Grounds for challenge [1]
- Challenging procedure [1]
- Failure or impossibility to act as an arbitrator [1]
- Grounds for termination of Arbitrator [1]
- Recording of Evidence [1]
- Arbitral award [3]
- Arbitral Awards – Drawing up an Award
- Essentials of Arbitral award
- Enforceability
- Time Limit of Arbitral Award
- Form of Award
- Settlement of Award
- Grounds for Setting Aside Award
- Termination of Arbitral Proceedings [0.5]
- Correction and interpretation of an Award [0.5]
- Conciliation
- What is conciliation? [1]
- Application and scope of conciliation.
- Conciliation Proceedings: [2]
- Commencement of conciliation proceedings
- Number of conciliators to be appointed.
- Procedure for appointing conciliator.
- Role of conciliator.
- Communication between conciliator and parties
- Confidentiality
- What grounds can a conciliator be terminated?
- Proceedings of conciliation. [0.5]
- Settlement agreement. [0.5]
- Termination of conciliation proceedings.[1]
- Mediation
- Choosing between Arbitration, Conciliation or Judicial Proceedings [1] (Group Discussion)
- Admissibility of evidence in other proceedings.[1]
- Moot Arbitration: [4]