
40 Hours [20 Sessions of 2 hours each.]

Start Date

To Be Announced


To Be Announced


  1. Alternate Dispute Resolution: [2]
    1. What is dispute resolution?
    2. Courts and tribunals
    3. What is ADR?
    4. History of ADR
    5. ADR law in India
    6. Need and scope forADR in India
  2. Advantages and Disadvantages of ADR[1]
  3. Arbitration: [2]
    1. What is Arbitration
    2. Types of Arbitration
    3. Institutional and ad hoc arbitration
    4. International and Domestic Arbitration
  4. Arbitration Agreements
  5. Arbitration Tribunal: [4]
    1. Formation of the Arbitration Tribunal/Appointment of an Arbitrator.
    2. Number of Arbitrator to be appointed
    3. Place of Arbitration
    4. Language
    5. Essentials of Arbitration Agreement
    6. Who is qualified to be an Arbitrator
    7. Competence of arbitral tribunal
    8. Procedure to appoint an arbitrator
  6. Interim measures ordered by tribunal [1]
  7. Interim measures by the court [1]
  8. Grounds for challenge [1]
  9. Challenging procedure [1]
  10. Failure or impossibility to act as an arbitrator [1]
  11. Grounds for termination of Arbitrator [1]
  12. Recording of Evidence [1]
  13. Arbitral award [3]
    1. Arbitral Awards – Drawing up an Award
    2. Essentials of Arbitral award
    3. Enforceability
    4. Time Limit of Arbitral Award
    5. Form of Award
    6. Settlement of Award
    7. Grounds for Setting Aside Award
  14. Termination of Arbitral Proceedings [0.5]
  15. Correction and interpretation of an Award [0.5]
  1. Conciliation
    1. What is conciliation? [1]
    2. Application and scope of conciliation.
  2. Conciliation Proceedings: [2]
    1. Commencement of conciliation proceedings
    2. Number of conciliators to be appointed.
    3. Procedure for appointing conciliator.
    4. Role of conciliator.
    5. Communication between conciliator and parties
    6. Confidentiality
    7. What grounds can a conciliator be terminated?
  3. Proceedings of conciliation. [0.5]
  4. Settlement agreement. [0.5]
  5. Termination of conciliation proceedings.[1]
  6. Mediation
  7. Choosing between Arbitration, Conciliation or Judicial Proceedings [1] (Group Discussion)
  8. Admissibility of evidence in other proceedings.[1]
  9. Moot Arbitration: [4]

Ideal For

Practicing Advocates, Aspiring Arbitrators, Lawyers, Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, Engineers, Law Students, CA and CS Students, Corporate Heads, Business Owners, etc.

Resource Person

Mr. Robin David.


₹ 14,999/-
+ Applicable taxes