12 Hours (2 Hours/session - twice a week x 3 weeks) Saturdays and Sundays
Start Date
To Be Announced | Tentatively: End May 2022
Saturdays and Sundays
1: Introduction (0.5)
Meaning: Redevelopment means demolishing the Old Structure and replacing the same with New Structure with new Dimensions and Space.
2: Need for Redevelopment or Self-Development. (0.5) 3: Redevelopment and Self-Development (0.5) 4: Voluntary and Compulsory Redevelopment (0.5) 5: Membership of Society vs Ownership of Flat (included in earlier sections) 6: Prerequisites for redevelopment (2)
The Process for redevelopment
Structural Audit Report
Circulation of Structural Audit Report
Special General Body Meeting for Redevelopment
Permission for redevelopment
Feasibility Report
Constitution of Redevelopment Committee
Checking all essential documents
Tender for redevelopment
Opening of Tender
Preparation of Comparison Statement of tenders
Selection of builder or developer
Letter of Intent
Redevelopment agreement
Arrangements for temporary stays
Handing over the property for redevelopment
Occupation certificate
7: Prerequisites of Self- Development: (2)
Approval of the society members
Selection of PMC
Selection of Architect
Feasibility Report
Document verification
Get approvals from concerned authorities
Arrangements for temporary accommodation
8: Essentials of Contract Law (2) 9: Contracts in Development of Properties:
Legal Professionals, Junior Lawyers, Law Students, Society Office Bearers/Managing Committee Members, Developers, Builders, Architects, Construction Company Personnel, Society Managers and Accountants, etc.